Industry Report: Local Specialized Freight Trucking

Local Specialized Freight Trucking: Navigating Market Trends, Private Company Multiples and Valuation.

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Industry: Local Specialized Freight Trucking Private

Naics: 484220

Private Company Multiples

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Industry Overview

Freight and trucking: the lifeblood of our economy. The numbers tell a story of resilience - a CAGR of 3.2%, reaching $68.3 billion in 2024. Despite economic turbulence, it's a testament to the industry's adaptability.

Freight and trucking serve as an indicator for the broader economy. When consumer spending rises and manufacturing hums, this sector feels it first.

Fed rate hikes and construction slowdowns have slowed industry growth, however, the industry has adapted and evolved.

The global supply chain disruptions, particularly the Red Sea crisis, are reshaping trade routes. For truckers, this means a surge in imports as ships reroute. It's a short-term boost, but savvy operators are eyeing the long game.

Projections show a CAGR of 1.7%, potentially hitting $74.5 billion by 2029. Profit margins are expected to reach 5.5%.

Key Financial Metrics

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Income Statement Benchmark

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