
Generative AI for SMBs: Cut Through the Hype with a List of Top Tools

Explore the practical applications of Generative AI in SMBs to streamline operations and improve efficiency without the hype.

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Yes, there is much hype surrounding artificial intelligence. While much of that hype is unfounded, there are still excellent uses for AI in SMBs. Let's look at how to identify use cases that can significantly improve business operations.

Use Case Identification

While there are many flavors of AI, the latest wave of excitement focuses on a subset called Generative AI—this will be the article's focus. Generative AI technologies are best used when text, audio, or visual content needs to be created or understood. Within your business, identify human processes that are low-value uses of time and are at least semi-prescriptive (the more prescriptive, the better).

For example, many SMBs rely on inbound calls or intake forms to collect relevant information from prospective customers. These conversations are typically prescriptive and often hold less value compared to other tasks. A generative AI model could handle these requests by collecting relevant information and entering it into a CRM. This is a simple, albeit powerful, example.

Software Selection

Now that you have identified a use case, the next crucial step is to find the right software. Below is an ever-growing list of AI tools for SMBs and searchers focused on solving high-value use cases. It's important to do your due diligence on your software before purchase. Appearing on the list below does not endorse any company or product.

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